
Monday 22 September 2014

Counting Stars , By Alannah Carbonneau

 Blurb : 

Counting Stars is an emotionally charged romance about love and loss – and learning to live after everything you’ve lived for has died. 

I was with him for six years. Derek was my life, my future, and my dream come true. We had it all – the house, the cars, rings on our fingers, and we were even discussing a baby. Derek was my high school sweetheart, my lover, and my best friend. 

Derek is dead. 
At only twenty-two years old I am a widow. I’ve spent the last year of my life filtering through self-help books – searching for a way to heal the remnants of my heart. 

I am broken. 

It is my incessant searching that leads me to booking a month long trip with The Donnelley’s Wild Land Tour’s. I was supposed to tour with Gracie – but she is incapacitated and she’s left me in Logan’s care. If I could, I would turn and walk away from this tour. But I can’t. This is my last chance at learning to live again. 


Logan doesn’t know I’m broken. When he looks at me, I feel strong again. I feel alive. He pushes me to learn new things, to experience new ways, and to fight. Logan, in all his bluntness has taught me to fight for what I want and what I believe in. I don’t know how it happened, but Logan picked up the pieces of my heart and helped me to rebuild it. In him, I’ve found acceptance in the hardest thing I had to face. 


We all have a path, and for me, my path has been beautifully painful. I was fated; both blessed and cursed, to love two men with the entirety of my heart. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a day, because the pain of the lost life I had with Derek led me to the beautiful present I cherish with Logan. 

***This novel does NOT end in a cliffhanger. It is a heartwarming romance for everyone who loves a happy ending. This is the first of four novels – each novel will feature a different Donnelley Brother. This can be read as a stand-alone!*** 

My Review :

I was given the opportunity to Arc Read and review this book, and I can safely say I am so glad I was contacted.
My love for Paperbacks just had one added to its ever growing list, I seriously can't wait for this to be released in Paperback.
When I started reading this book I hadn't known anything about it, I'd not even read a blurb for this book. I'm not usually so flippant with my time, but I'm so glad I took a chance on this book it took hold of me from the first page.
I started reading this book last night and I found I had read till early hours of the morning, because I kept saying just one more chapter, one more chapter. I stopped eventually at 3 am with only 3 chapters and the epilogue left to read, which I finished with my mornig coffee today.
I think it's safe to say I'm a bit of a book junkie and im enthusiastic about alot of them, but every now and then one comes along and takes your breath away and pulls you into its own little book bubble and makes everything in the real world fade away. For me THIS IS THAT BOOK.

About the book.
Reese is a 22 year old whose whole world comes crashing down the day she becomes a widow. No one expects to be widowed at such a young age after only being blissfully married for a matter of months. She finds herself lost not able to grieve properly.
 A year after the death of Derrick she puts their home up for sale and decides to head out to find herself.
She books a soul searching tour with a lovely lady Gracie, but in a twist of fate Gracie isn't able to go on the month long trek with Reese. 
Instead she's sent out into the wilderness with the handsome, enigmatic Logan not by choice though... Iinfact I think she would rather be going with anyone but him. Their first meeting wasn't what you'd say was a good one, but there is definitely something about Logan that has her questioning her thoughts.
Logan, with his not so filtered mouth, pushes Reese to do and say things she wouldn't usually and I love that about him. I love the nicknames he uses for her. There's definitely more to Logan than meets the eye, there is pain behind his ebony eyes and Reese finds herself wanting to know what ?!
"There was a pain lurking in the ebony deeps of his irises and I found myself wanting to know that pain. I wanted to know it so I could shed light onto its darkness. I wanted to help him heal almost as badly as I wanted to heal myself. "
I love how this couple connect during their trek its beautiful, and seriously hot. I find it refreshing how it's not all about sex throughout the pages, there is a genuine story that can affect anyone of us at any given time in our lives. I must say I've never had this sort of loss in my life, I've been blissfully married to my hubby for 10 years. That being said you can imagine what Reese is going through, to love someone so dearly and have them ripped away from you is an unimaginable pain you never want to feel.
I don't want to say loads about the book because I'd hate to spoil it for the reader. Just know that yes, this book is undeniably heartbreaking, but for that Alannah gives us laughs and love. Seriously you won't be disappointed reading this book. 
There's no cliffhanger and can be read as a standalone.
I will say : have tissues ready, but also be prepared for laughs because this book gives you that by the bucket loads.
A book of Love, Loss, Friendships, Attractions Healing and moving forward with life.
I wish I could give this book more than 5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ beacuse I truly believe it deserves them. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Seriously this is one book not to be missed out on  ~ Vicci

Book links : 

About Alannah Carbonneau : 
I live in Alberta, Canada, where the weather is forever changing (without warning). I am engaged to be married in August 2015 to my high school sweetheart and love of my life. There are no children in my life as of right now, but we do have a handful of rambunctious cats (four) and a testy, rescued Shepard/Husky, who take up a lot of my time.

Ever since I can remember, I've adored the written word. English was always my favorite class and that may be biased because I can't count to save my life, so math was a horror! I remember the very first novel I ever read, Shocking Pink by Erica Spindler. It was the most interesting of the covers on my mom's bookshelf (probably because it was pink) and I was way too young to be reading that novel. But I fell in love. From there, I read almost everything from V.C. Andrews.

My writing started out as poetry, which then evolved to songs, and later into novels. I was never one for the short stories as I found it too difficult to pack everything I imagined into something so small.
Despite my favorite younger reading material, I now adore writing and reading all things romance.

You can find me on my blog at:

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