
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Crystal Spears' Shadowing Me Release Day Blitz‏

~Available September 22nd~

Shadowing Me

Breakneck Series #3

by Crystal Spears



Welcome back to the world of Breakneck where Pyro continues to mourn the loss of Lana, ZZ’s twins drive him crazy, and the whole MC prepares for the birth of Braxxon and Winter’s child. Things are quiet and calm… Or so it seems.

Shadow’s secrets are slowly being revealed, leaving him powerless to stop the resulting havoc. With Tatiana hot on his trail every time he turns around, the tables have turned, and now, she has become his Shadow.
As Winter and Braxxon begin a hostile takeover of the BDSM club owned by Shadow’s best friend, the unthinkable happens, and the result is the worst bloodshed in Breakneck history. The torture, violence, and death caused by the carnage will have the entire MC reeling from the loss.

When Shadow finally decides to stop denying his feelings for Tatiana, he discovers it may be too late. The Breakneck family loss is far too great for Tatiana to think about her own feelings for the one man who has constantly resisted her.

Causing further drama for the Breakneck crew, the Russians step back into the picture. Whether they are friend or foe remains to be seen. And when Winter gets an unexpected visitor, it throws Tatiana in a fit of rage and rebellion.

Welcome back to the real world of Breakneck… where bloodshed and mayhem are to be expected.


"What are your tastes today, my friend?"

Hmm… "Rose has me yearning for a pale, redhead."

Alec looks around. "Right over there." He nods his head to the left. "Haven’t had her, but I hear good things."

My eyes follow his line of sight until they reach the woman he is referring to. She’ll do. Although her skin is pale, her red hair is definitely not natural. After I finish looking over her body, my eyes go to her left wrist and I smirk. Lovely little, fake redhead, I’m coming for you.

I don’t bother with unnecessary goodbyes as I stalk my way over to her. I need to let some of this frustration loose, and as soon as possible. My demons claw at my chest cavity, begging for release. Her eyes roam my body and, stopping at the leather on my wrist, she nods in acceptance and puts her cigarette out. I don’t wait for her. I don’t have to. She’ll follow. I stroll through the club with confident movements that would make most spectators weak in the knees. I’m a man on a mission.

As I get to my room and dig out my key, the fake redhead comes up behind me. No words are necessary as she waits for me to unlock the door. I nudge it open with my foot, using my hand to gesture her inside first. I am not a complete asshole. I still have some manners.

Once the door is shut and locked, I shrug out of my leather cut and walk over to the closet. I have no patience for clutter. Thankfully, I’ve learned to separate my club from my extra-curricular activities because, let’s face it, some of my brothers are fucking disgusting. After hanging up my cut, I head towards the dresser.

"What shall I call you?" My hands slide along the cold, polished surface. I don’t bother looking at her yet. I’m studying her to see if she is looking for an emotional connection with her scene mate.

"Sunny, Sir."

Good. So far, we are on the same page, but I don’t like to be called Sir. "You’ll address me as Tavis."

"Tavis." She repeats it slowly, making sure she gets it correct.

"Yes, Sunny. Tavis, not Travis." My fingers continue to slowly caress the wood. "Drop your skirt and kick it over."

The sound of her zipper sings in my ears and the demons inside me rustle about. I fling my shades off and dig the contact case out of my pocket. With my back to her, I pinch the blue lenses out of my eyes, and as I place them in their container, her leather skirt lands on the toe of one of my boots. I want her frightened, and what better way to accomplish that than showing her my soulless eyes. "Now, your corset."

"Yes, Tavis." She murmurs.

Her breathing picks up as I unbuckle my pants and toe off my boots and socks.


 I was privileged to get an ARC of shadowing me.
Let me start by saying I am a massive fan of the Breakneck Series, and couldn't wait for Shadow and Tatiana's story.
Shadow has always intrigued me, we all know Shadow has a dark side and in this book you see just how dark that is. (which is darker than I thought)
Tea (Tatiana) in this book is not the young childish girl, running around behind her dad's back. She has grown into a strong woman. The one part of the book where she puts all the MC in their place is one of the best parts of the book. My respect for her grew from there.
Shadow still denies the attraction he feels for Tea, he think she cant handle his lifestyle. She determined to prove him otherwise.
Like all Crystal books, this book is Real, Raw and Gritty!!. Once again Crystal fucks with your head in this book, everyone is getting on with their life's, Brax and Winter having a baby, ZZ and Storm are happy together they are getting to know Mace and he is becoming part of their family. Then BAM. The one part of the book I was so shocked, and SAD, cant believe you done it Crystal, but it wouldn't be a Crystal Spears book if she didn't surprise you when you least expect it.
Shadow and Tea's relationship isn't insta Love because that wouldn't have suited them. Their relationship grows and 1 book wouldn't have been a big enough time frame. When Crystal said she was doing this I was like WTF. But after reading this I understand. They do leave this book on a good note, but their at the beginning of their journey. Cant wait for the next book.
Also in this book Pyro is still struggling to come to terms with losing Lana, a surprise happens, which starts to help Pyro finally heal. I wont give the secret away.
Cant wait for Sniper's book (my fave), plus Smokey intrigues me.
A must read, but WARNING, this book isn't a rainbows and flowers book, its violent, real ,raw dark and AMAZING!!


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~Author Bio~

Crystal Spears has always had a passion for literature. She fell in love with reading at an early age. After spending a decade in business management, she began blogging and book reviewing, only to find that that didn't satisfy her craving. So, she began to write. Like any Indie out there, she had goals and dreams. She wrote Talania - a trip down memory lane, a beautiful, contemporary romance novel. It almost made it to the top, just almost. Someone told Crystal to write what she knew. She gave serious thought to that advice.

For many years, her father had been CEO of a well-known gun and surplus store in Texas. He then bought a tattoo shop where Crystal found herself surrounded by bikers. Hardcore bikers. The Bestselling Breakneck Series was born when Crystal decided to write what she knows. Don't get the wrong idea.

Her Breakneck series is completely fictional, but based on things seen and heard, she now had a place to start writing from that knowledge. Seize Me was hardcore, and Crystal became the writer known as the chick with no boundaries. She took the critics the wrong way and made her next bestseller Withstanding Me a little tamer. Readers were quick to point out that they did not like that and demanded that Crystal return to gritty writing. When asked if she would write gritty from now on, her only answer was... "I'll write what my readers want me to write, and I'll also write what I feel."

Crystal resides in Indiana with her husband and their two children. They have a pit named Dozer, two fish, and one fancy rat. They enjoy the outdoors, and camp, fish, and go boating as much as possible.

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Seize Me



Withstanding Me



Resenting Me


Discovering Me




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