
Friday 3 October 2014

Cover Reveal : Off Your Rocker ?, by K.E. Osborn

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When Delia (Lia) Norman meets Rock Royalty Colter (Colt) Slade unexpectedly after her boyfriend of 4 years breaks up with her, sparks fly immediately. Lia's ex always told her she was dull and boring, she was no fun at all, and he was right. Colt tells Lia to do something exciting - be spontaneous. So she moves out of her comfort zone and goes on tour with the most famous rock group in the world 'Slayed'.

How will Lia deal with being pushed out of her comfortable life and into a world of chaos, paparazzi, screaming 'evil minion' fans and most of all the idea that maybe there is love just around the corner?
Releasing 7th November 2014!

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I start to feel a little dizzy and I stumble on the spot. Colt takes hold of me and pushes me against the wall with his body holding me upright.
“Sorry I can’t stand still and I’m so drunk I can’t hold us both up unless we’re up against the wall,” he chuckles.
“I don’t mind being the meat in this sandwich between you and the wall,” I say and then giggle, followed by a hiccup. Did I, Delia Norman just say that? He chuckles and smiles. The heat of his body against mine is doing crazy things to my libido right now. I figure this is the last time I’m going to see the rock God Colter Slade so I decide to just go for it.


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Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. Having worked in the optical industry for some time, K E Osborn decided it was time to leave the optical world behind and start on something new. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she tried her hand at writing.

K E Osborn hid the fact that she was writing from her family, as she believed her first story was simply something she had to get on paper first and then judge if it was good enough for others to read. It wasn’t until her mother found a printed version of the manuscript that her secret came out. She was a writer, and she loved it. Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their story lines. She feels at home when writing



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