
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Finding Her Way Back Release Day Blitz

Title: Finding Her Way Back

Author: Heather Van Fleet

Genre: New Adult ContemporaryHosted by: Lady Amber's Tours


Meet Callie, a chubby-sexy nineteen-year-old girl who fears high heels, commitments, and has a love/hate relationship with her running shoes. Nine months of college down the drain and all she has to show for it is her freshman thirty.

But alas, life has other crap plans for her--one that includes a strict regiment of "do this and do that" from her she-devil sister, all while trying to avoid the unavoidable. The unavoidable being Ky: the ex-best friend-turned-sex god who lives across the street.

Meet Ky; a nineteen-year-old wanna be country music singer and a boy-turned-man who still wears a proverbial skateboard around his neck from wasted high school days. When Callie returns home, he realizes that she's exactly the muse he's been missing all this time.

Now, if only she can stop running long enough to find out where their love could lead. FINDING HER WAY BACK is a new adult novel about finding love while learning how to love yourself. For all the chubby-sexy girls who tend to feel invisible, this one's for you!

Midwestern native Heather Van Fleet lives in a small town on the Iowa/Illinois border. She’s a wife to her hubby--and high school sweet heart--Chris, as well as a mom to her three little girls, Kelsey, Emma and Bella. When she’s not obsessing over her fictional book characters, cooking dinner, or running around chasing her crazy kiddos, you can usually find her with her head stuck in her Kindle, sucking down White Chocolate Mochas like they're water.

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Excerpt 1: Callie’s POV

“Okay. It’s settled. One date.” Lifting his palm, he pressed it against my cheek, holding it there. My skin tingled on contact, burning me in all sorts of ways. “But I think we need to try something out beforehand just to make sure that we know what we’re getting ourselves into.”

“Um, what?” I stiffened, panicking at the possibilities of what he was saying. Sweat formed along the back of my neck, but I couldn’t move to wipe it away.

Fuck. This wasn’t good.

Without warning, he pressed his mouth against mine, taking my heart, body, entire soul by complete surprise. Ky captured me in all the ways a woman wanted to be captured by a man.

And oh, what a damn delicious capture it was.

I’d always wondered what it’d be like to kiss this boy. And it wasn’t because I saw him in that sort of light growing up either, just simple
curiosity, to say the least But whatever preconceived notions I had about awkwardness and painful teeth clashing went out the window the moment his tongue pressed against my lips.

Holy hell. Now this was a kiss.

His fingers, strong and sure, tangled in my hair, releasing my ponytail with the flick of his thumb. Damn, he was good. My hair fell over my shoulders, shadowing my cheeks, as well as his. I scooted forward, pressing my hands onto the bareness of his neck, tracing the lines of his muscled skin on his shoulders like I’d wanted to do since I first got him in the room with me. I moaned, embarrassingly loud because yeah, this was beyond any kiss I’d ever experienced in the past. Slow, agonizing, and perfect. Ky made the act of kissing as sensual as having sex in a steamy shower. Not that I’d ever actually experienced hot, steamy shower sex or anything. But um, yeah, it was definitely on my bucket list.

Excerpt 2:

Forehead pressed against mine, uncaring about the world around him, Ky’s words whispered over my lips, the coolness chilling me even more than the fact that I was still standing there in wet clothes. “Don’t ever leave me like that again, Calla Lily. I don’t care if you hate me. I don’t care if you want to kick my ass, or kick me in the balls because you’re pissed at the world or me in general. I don’t know what happened to make you leave the rink. But dammit, I do know that you won’t get that chance again. Because from now on, I will be there, and I won’t back down, do you hear me? You. Will not. Run.” I nodded, sniffling. Yeah, I heard every last word. Felt it like it was being sewn and weaved with needle and thread throughout my traitorous, agreeing body. If he kept looking at me like this, I’d fall to my knees…give him whatever he wanted—pain to my heart and all.

Licking his lips, eyes glazing over completely, Ky leaned in so close that our noses were pressed flush now. “Because, Calla Lily Bennett, I. Am. Yours. I’ve been yours for years. And I won’t stop being yours. Ever.”

Closing my eyes was the only way to escape from the sudden abruptness of his words. The brutal, perfect truth and promise that was only emphasized with the twinkle in his eyes. Maybe if I kept my lids drawn, then he wouldn’t say anything else. He’d get the hint and he’d leave. Unfortunately though, a part of me—a very traitorous and emotional part of me—didn’t want Ky to go. I was tired of fighting the pain; tired of living an emotional lie that I was just fine and dandy forgetting. Today was proof of that in the strangest of senses.

But there had to be a way I could get by without actually remembering, right? Maybe my wish of starting over and forgetting weren’t that far off after all. Because I wanted Ky, like Ky wanted me. I just didn’t want what he was going to force me to do in the end.


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