
Thursday 20 November 2014

Blog tour and Giveaway : Spice up your Shelves!!!!

Welcome to the "Spice up you Shelves" blog tour!!!! 
Three authors are participating in this event.   

Sidney Bristol brings us the heat with her Romantic Suspense with BDSM Elements title Duty Bound, Book 2 in her Bayou Bound series.   

Lisa Fox is introducing us to her Midnight Kiss Contemporary Romance series with One Kiss and the soon-to-be-released Her Perfect Lips. 

And a Contemporary Erotic Romance series from Sabrina York, her titles Rebound, Dragonfly Kisses, Smoking Holt, Heart of Ash, Devlin’s Dare and Parker’s Passion are all part of the Tryst Island Series.  

Join us in meeting these authors and spice up your shelves (or start your holiday shopping early) with one of these wonderful romances. 

Duty Bound
Bayou Bound # 2
Sidney Bristol
Romantic Suspense / BDSM Elements
331 Pages
See on Goodreads
Available at 
Amazon ♦  Barnes ♦  ARe  ♦  Kobo ♦  iBooks

About the book:
Lisette wouldn't be back in New Orleans if she didn't need protection-and who better to turn to than her ex-boyfriend turned Detective? She's got a closet full of secrets that include a stalker ex and a kinky past. She vows to not dream about Mathieu...much. If only he were a Dominant, one who would not just flog her into bliss, but love her as well. A girl can dream, can't she? 

He was her first love.

Mathieu wants nothing to do with another damsel in distress, but he can't say no when the little blonde woman walks back into his life with proof her ex is big trouble. He'll give her a place to sleep, but nothing more. His heart is locked up tight. Except, Lisette uncovers his past in the BDSM world and she's never backed down from a challenge. He can handle her, can't he?

Lisette and Mathieu embark on a relationship that is strictly about sexual gratification, but evolves into more. When the bodies align, the hearts entwine. Except their rekindled flame is in danger. Lisette's ex has found his prey, and he's not afraid of taking a life.


Lisette stared into the tawny, golden eyes of the man she once loved, and struggled to see the man she remembered. Physically he’d filled out, becoming a man to the boy she’d known. He’d been muscular then, but eight years had honed him into an intimidating force. And yet, he had the same mocha coloring, kept his dark hair shorn short, and his mouth? Mary, Mother of Jesus, she could remember the brush of his lips on hers, how he’d whispered in the shadows all the things she’d dreamt a man saying.

That man was a stranger to her now.

She’d called Lola in desperation. There were no other choices, and if this was who she had to work with, she wasn’t above throwing herself on the altar of humiliation.

Lisette glared at Mathieu and pulled the photographs from her coat pocket. She slapped them on the table and watched Mathieu do a double take. The muscles in his face tightened and she could have sworn she heard his teeth grinding together.

“Those pictures are from three separate incidents, each a few months apart. The one where my eye’s swollen shut? That was the first time. I left my boyfriend Seth and checked into a motel while I got my own place. A week later, I came back to my room to find Seth had broken in. He beat me for the second time. I went to the hospital, the police came to take my report, and nothing happened.” She blinked repeatedly, remembering how badly her face had hurt. Hell, she thought he’d broken bones the way she’d ached.

Mathieu flipped through the pictures again, his lips compressed into a tight line. Did he see it now? Did he understand?

“I was scared, so I went to Chicago to stay with friends. The picture of my arm? He did that with a milk crate. I have a six-inch scar on my forearm that will never go away. The police detained him for about twelve hours, and he was out.” She pulled up her left sleeve and showed him the physical proof. The scar was still pink and tender. She had to do exercises every day to keep her arm working. Plates and screws held the bones together now. She’d been able to fight back that time, but Seth was crazy.

“Then there’s the one where it looks like I have a goose egg on the side of my head? A refrigerator door at a gas station on my way out of Chicago a couple weeks ago. Gas station tape mysteriously disappeared after the cops were called. They never—even—looked—for—him. That’s why I need help, Mathieu.”

“Why don’t the police toss his ass in jail?” His brow furrowed and he appeared completely baffled. His belief in the system, black and white, right and wrong, was so strong. It made the man infuriating, but there was no one else she could think of who she could trust.

Lisette shrugged. “He’s Special Forces or something. He never told me exactly what he does, but I got the idea it’s under-the-table government. Every time he gets in trouble, someone in a uniform cleans it up, slaps him on the wrist and tells him to keep his nose clean until he gets deployed. He used to brag about it when we were together. I thought he was telling me drunken “big fish” stories. He has some sort of special training he has to report in for again in March. The sixth. I just need to stay safe until then.”

“That’s a month from now. You went across the country to get away from the man. What makes you think he’s still after you?” Mathieu laid the photographs face down and folded his hands on top of the table. She could imagine him interrogating a suspect like this. He’d moved up to being a detective two years ago, according to Lola.

“He followed me from Florida to Chicago.” She shrugged. “Why wouldn’t he come here? He told me he’d kill me. Do you think a man like this is going to give up?”

“What does your family say about this?”


Sidney Bristol:
It can never be said that Sidney Bristol has had a ‘normal’ life.  She is a recovering roller derby queen, former missionary, and tattoo addict. She grew up in a motor-home on the US highways (with an occasional jaunt into Canada and Mexico), traveling the rodeo circuit with her parents. Sidney has lived abroad in both Russia and Thailand, working with children and teenagers. She now lives in Texas where she splits her time between a job she loves, writing, reading and belly dancing.
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One Kiss
Midnight Kiss # 1
Lisa Fox
Contemporary Romance
Harper Impulse
74 Pages
See On Goodreads
Purchase Now:  
Amazon | Barnes | iTunes | Kobo | Publisher | Amazon UK

About the Book:
Sometimes one kiss can change everything.
New Year's Eve is supposed to be a night for celebration and new beginnings. For best friends Kat and Dean, it is a nightmare filled with disastrous dates and enraged ex-girlfriends!
Lucky for them, they've got each other to help laugh off the embarrassing, and downright inappropriate, moments. But then midnight rolls around and neither of them have anyone to kiss…
There's no doubt this is a night they will always remember.
The real question is whether it will be a night they want to forget…

Excerpt from One Kiss : 

The traffic surged forward as whatever was holding things up cleared out, and they were over the bridge in no time. Dean leaned back into the seat, listening to the sounds of the city as they wove through lower Manhattan, the rev of truck engines, the squeals of brakes, the snatches of music and screaming and laughter.

He glanced over at the woman at his side, subtly studying her profile. Her blind date was a lucky man. He better realize it too. He didn’t understand why she agreed to it, but if it was what she wanted to do, he supported her one hundred percent. If the guy turned out to be an asshole however, well, then, Dean might have to end up having a conversation with him.

He smiled to himself. God, she would hate that. He could imagine the lecture she would give him if he tried to protect her that way. She was going to have to deal with it though. She knew what she was getting into when she asked him along, it wasn’t like they’d just met yesterday.

The cab turned onto Hudson, and he caught a glimpse of a couple locked in a passionate embrace under a streetlamp. The woman’s sparkly tiara was askew and the man was missing his shirt, but that didn’t seem to deter them one bit. “Why do you think people kiss at midnight?”

Kat smiled at him. “You get cursed if you don’t. If you can’t find someone to kiss, all you have to look forward to is bad luck, hairy palms, and failed online dating attempts all year long.”

He laughed. “Yeah, everyone knows that, but how do you think it began? I mean, how did it get decided that if you don’t kiss someone at midnight, your year is doomed?”

She ran her index finger over her bottom lip as she thought it over. “Well, that whole make loud noises and be obnoxious at midnight thing is supposed to keep the demons away, so maybe it has something to do with that. Maybe a kiss is a protection as well, a safeguard of some sort, to keep evil away from you in the New Year.”

“So, celibacy is evil then?”

“Some people might argue that it is.”

They both laughed. “Maybe demons don’t like kissing? That doesn’t seem right. You’d think demons would be into anything sexual. More ways to sin, you know?”

“It has to be about more than just sex.” She thought for a second and then turned to him, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “Okay, how about this? Kissing is personal. When you kiss, you share another’s breath and breath is life, so maybe kissing is an exchange of sorts, like…” Her fingers danced in the air as the ideas formed in her mind. “Like, sharing your soul. Maybe that’s what it is. You kiss someone and share a piece of your soul with them, that way they keep it safe for you in the New Year. They have a piece of you inside them.” She touched his chest, right over his heart. “Here.” Her eyes met his. “Protected.” A wicked smile blossomed on her lips and then she shrugged. “Otherwise, it’s spinning heads and bad skin for everyone.”

Her Perfect Lips
Midnight Kiss # 2
Lisa Fox
Contemporary Romance
Harper Collins
74 Pages
See on Goodreads
Pre-Order Now:  
Amazon | Barnes | iTunes | Kobo | Publisher | Amazon UK
Excerpt : 

Stacy took a sip of her drink, the sweetness exploding on her tongue. The familiar lightheadedness of intoxication warmed her skull, and she frowned. She might not have the tolerance to take on Mardi Gras anymore, but she was no lightweight either. She held up the plastic cup, the low light reflecting in the funky yellow-green liquid. “What’s in these things?”

Ten gave her that wicked grin again. “Good old-fashioned New Orleans grain alcohol.”
Even as her eyes widened, she had to chuckle. No wonder she was feeling it. The drink in her hand was a one hundred and ninety proof bomb of pure alcohol. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Maybe.” His gaze moved over her, so slowly and thoroughly it almost felt like a physical caress. “Wasn’t that part of your plan?”

Her gaze flicked to his lips and then quickly away. God, she still had it so bad for him. She took a quick sip of her cocktail to try to cool herself down.
He reached over took her hand. “I’ve thought about you.”
Every molecule in the air between them instantly ignited. “Have you?” Heat rushed to her cheeks, her pulse raced in her veins. “What’d you think about?”
He ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Do you remember that night?”

“Of course I remember.” She would never forget the night before she left for New York. The night she spent with him. The memory often came to her in the darkest hours, when she was home, alone in her bed. No one had ever held her the way he did, no one’s skin had ever felt quite so good against hers. “I almost missed my plane.”

He traced patterns over the back her hand with his thumb, a delicate caress that made her blood run hot. When he met her eyes again, tension exploded between them, turning her insides liquid.
Her gaze fell back to his lips, and she couldn’t help but remember the taste of his kiss. The way he’d touched her. The texture of his skin. Given the chance to have it all again, she’d start right there at his mouth and then work her way down to his—

“Hey,” Peter said as he and Melanie returned to the table. “Do you want another drink?”
“No,” Stacy said, rising to her feet. This was too much. “I have to get back to the hotel.” And take an ice cold shower.
Ten stood up as well. “I’ll walk with you.”

She waved him off. The last thing she needed was Ten anywhere near her hotel room. That was just too much temptation. She wasn’t a kid anymore, and she wasn’t in New Orleans to get laid. She needed to remember that. “Thanks, but it’s just around the corner.”

“Stacy,” he said, his voice stern, a tone she knew all too well. It was the one he used whenever he thought she was being unreasonable. She’d heard it a lot. “This city is dangerous.”
She couldn’t really argue with that. He was right. The city was dangerous. And it wasn’t smart to walk alone. She knew that all too well. The very first night she moved out of the Loyola dorms and into the Marigny was a night that should have been like any other. But that night, seven murders occurred in a sixteen-hour span. Seven different people were killed for seven different reasons in seven different places all within the city limits. She had missed one of those murders by a single block. If she had turned left instead of right… A graveyard chill raced down her back. It wasn’t something she liked to think about. “Okay,” she said, and turned to the others. “Do you guys want to walk back with us?”

They wanted to stay, so Stacy and Ten said their goodbyes and exited the bar. They turned onto Canal, and Ten grabbed her around the waist to keep her from colliding with a Lucky Dog vendor heading into the Quarter for his shift. She wrapped her arm around him, enjoying the heat of his body.

About Lisa Fox:

World-renowned neurosurgeon, jet fighter pilot, secret member of American royalty, seducer of legions of beautiful, outrageously sexy angels and demons and vampires and werewolves and the occasional pirate, Lisa Fox has done it all…in her own mind. In reality, she can generally be found at her desk with a cup of coffee close at hand. Or maybe a martini. It really depends on the day.
Feedback, comments, opinions, words of wisdom, chocolate cake and the addresses of super hot men are always appreciated and encouraged. Please feel free to contact me any time.

Tryst Island # 1
Sabrina York
Contemporary Erotic Romance
200 pgs (approx)
See on Goodreads
Purchase Now:  
Amazon | Barnes |  iTunes | Kobo 

About the Book: 

Kristi Cross has had the hots for her friend, Cameron Jackson as long as she can remember, but she knows she’s not his type. She’s nothing like the women he dates. So when he suggests they play for a kiss over a game of Hearts, Kristi can’t resist. Even if she loses, she wins. Because she’s finally going to taste him.

Of course, one kiss can quickly become something altogether steamier, especially when both parties are on the rebound…

Fall in Love on Tryst Island… When a group of friends share a vacation house, wild hijinks, unexpected hook-ups and steamy sex ensue.

See the series trailer HERE  

Excerpt : 

“I’d like to turn you over my knee.”
She chuckled. “Me? What did I do?”
He gaped at her. “Other than passionately kissing Holt?”
“I wasn’t kissing Holt, and you know it.”
“Really?” He crossed the rumpus room and shouldered into his bedroom and tossed her onto the bed. She bounced. “Then what the hell was that?” He waved at the ceiling.
Kristi straightened her nightgown, primly covering her bare calves. “He was kissing me.”
His brows bunched. “Not okay. Do you know what seeing that did to me? God, Kristi. It ripped me up inside. I wanted to kill him.”
“He had to know.”
“Know?” He hit a warbling tone that would make America Idol contestants green with envy. “What did he have to know?”
“That I feel nothing for him.”
That shut him up. He stopped, stock-still and stared at her. “Nothing?” This, in a little boy voice.
Other than shock that two of her longtime friends had declared their intentions in the space of one evening? “Not a thing.” She wormed her way off the bed and sashayed toward him, swinging her hips. “Less than nothing, in fact.” She stood on tiptoe to press a kiss on his lips. “It was like kissing my brother. Or my uncle. Or Professor Layhea.”
“Professor Layhea?” Against his will, his lips tweaked. She could tell he was fighting it. His pout was kind of adorable. “Professor Layhea was pretty sexy.”
She kissed him again. Made her way along the line of his jaw to his lobe. Dabbed her tongue in his ear. He shuddered.
“I do find nostril-beards über sexy. And older men who take their baths in Old Spice—ha cha cha.”
His brow rose. His fingers curved around her waist and he pulled her closer. His cock stirred against her belly. “Did you ever kiss Professor Layhea?”
“Just the once.” She laughed when his eyes boggled at her boldfaced lie. She rubbed against his growing ardor. “I had to. I needed an A.”
“Hussy.” He eased her back onto the mattress pinning her there with his hardness, his heat. He hovered over her, staring at her for a long while. Then he slowly lowered his head and kissed her.
It didn’t take long for their teasing mood to completely evaporate. It was replaced by a crackling arousal. His cock pressed into her with an uncomfortable insistence. She wiggled a little bit and he shifted so it pressed against her cleft instead. He rubbed, up and down, like a cat, until she moaned.
“I shouldn’t want you again,” he murmured against her lips.
“Of course you should.”
“You drained me completely fucking dry earlier.”
“We forgot to use a condom.”
He nibbled her neck. “You’re on the pill.”
She hiked up her nightgown, enough so she could hook her legs around his butt. Tugged him closer. “I can’t believe how many times you made me come.”
“How many?”
“I lost count.”
“Really? I noticed two.”
“Oh, there were more than two.” She scored his back with her nails; he shivered. “It was probably a fluke though.”
He reared back. “What?”
“You know. On account of the fact I was so horny.”
“How, um, how horny were you?”
“Pretty horny.”
“How long… I mean, how long since—”
She drew his head back down. “I don’t want to talk about it. Point is, it was probably a fluke.”
“It wasn’t a fluke. I’ll have you know, I’m damn good in bed.”
“We’ll see.”
“What? We’ll see?”
“We haven’t done it in a bed.” This, she stated rather prosaically. “We’ll just see if you can do it again. Make me come like that again.”
A slow smile quirked his lips. “That sounds like a challenge.”
“I do believe it was.”
“Well, madam, if there’s one thing Cameron Jackson cannot do, it’s resist a challenge.” He teased her hem higher and she laughed.
“Yes,” she said. “I know.”

Other Titles in Tryst Island Include (Soon to be available at all major eBook Retailers!) : 

Dragonfly Kisses:  Amazon | Goodreads
Smoking Holt: Amazon | Goodreads
Heart of Ash:  Amazon | Goodreads
Devlin’s Dare:  Amazon | Goodreads
Parker’s Passion:  Amazon | Goodreads
About Sabrina York:

Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy to scorching erotic romance.
Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her website to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Get the Free Teaser Book, and don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!  Want more? Sign up to be a member of Sabrina's Street Team on Facebook!


  FIVE little known facts about you (make them funny / interesting /unique)  
1)      I love bunny rabbits  
2)      When I moved to New Orleans, I left my home (New York) with $1,000, two suitcases, and a one way ticket. I’d never even NOLA before, but it seemed like a good place to move to. 
3)      I’ve flogged a man for charity 
4)      I’ve only ever driven one car, one time, in my whole life and I learned that when you turn a corner, you want to take your foot off the gas.  
5)      I spend waaaaay too much time on Tumblr
Your Last 5 Google Searches  (research (or not) related ) 
1)      Captain Hook Once Upon a Time (For research! I swear!)  
2)      Meliá Caribe Tropical All Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort -   Punta Cana (I’m going there for my birthday and I’m a little obsessive. The pictures are so pretty!)  
3)      Male model boat cruise  
4)      Henry Watkins  
5)      Red Shoe Diaries

  Five questions you WISH someone would ask you in an interview  
1)      How do you like the Yankees’ chances this year?  
2)      Can I get you a cocktail of any sort?  
3)      Would you like to have this $1,000 I have right here?  
4)      I have Hugh Jackman’s home phone number. Would you like it?  
5)      What are your top five bucket list dream destinations?


  FIVE little known facts about you (make them funny / interesting /unique)  
·         I will wear tank tops until I freeze  
·         I have a huge shoe collection, and yet I prefer to be barefoot  
·         I really was a kid-rodeo clown  
·         I love cherry sours  
·         I have a light Cuthulu obsession

Your Last 5 Google Searches  (research (or not) related ) 
·         Shark Penises  
·         Hunky Santa  
·         Bitchin Tanktops  
·         Galaxy Note 3 Cases  
·         Couple’s Tattoos

Five questions you WISH someone would ask you in an interview 
·         Have you really done everything in your bio?  
·         Did you really buy all of the Hairbrained Period Panties?  
·         What tattoo would you not get?  
·         ?  
·         ?


5 little known facts about Sabrina York  
1. I once rode on a camel and climbed up inside the Great Pyramid of Giza  
2. The first book I finished was an epic fantasy of one hundred and seventy thousand words. It did not get published.  
3. I moved 19 times before I graduated from high school.  
4. My hair started turning silver when I was 18 years old.  
5. I am directly descended from Mary Queen of Scots. Hence the fascination with hot Highlanders.

Last five Google searches

1. 1813 map of Caithness County, Scotland.  
2. Etemology ( numerous searches, and necessary when writing historical romance )  
3. Did they have bacon in Regency period Scotland?  
4. What do Highlanders wear under their kilts?  
5. How many carbs are there in a shot of gin?

5 questions I wish people would ask me...  
It would be much easier to list 5 questions I wish people would stop asking me, but here are some questions that would be fun to answer.

1. What was the first thing you did after you won the lottery? (Not that I've won the lottery but I would love for there to be a reason for people to ask.)  
2. Would you like another slice of bacon?  
3. Explain your interpretation of the space-time continuum and how you feel it affects the relative connectivity of the universe. (Love to talk about esoteric shit like that)  
4. Who REALLY let the dogs out?  
5. What inspires you most when you hit a writing wall? ( the answer to this question of course is my readers. I do it all for them )


Grand Prize winner a 'delicate daytime' tiara from Sabrina York and each of the eBooks listed below. Two winners will get the following eBook titles: Picture Her Bound: Bayou Bound # 1 by Sidney Bristol: One Kiss: Midnight Kiss # 1 by Lisa Fox and Rebound: Tryst Island # 1 by Sabrina York.

Drawing ends at 11:59 PM  EST on 25 November – winner has 24 hours to respond. 18+ only


  1. thank you for hosting today !

  2. Thanks for sharing! I LOVED reading those little known facts!! How fun!
