
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Undeadly, by Cynthia St Aubin

Blurb :
When life sucks, and so does your next client...

Halloween is just around the corner, and life is bringing Paranormal Psychologist Matilda Schmidt all tricks and no treats. Ghosts haunt her in the organic produce aisle, she's been roped into attending a costume party she'd sell her soul to avoid, and the delicious demigod who once warmed her couch is taking his clients and his attentions elsewhere.

But when even her lethal hit man lover fails to recognize the threat lurking in the shadows, Matilda finds herself confronted with one hell of a problem—surrender what's left of the life she knew, or face losing herself to the madness that took her mother. 

My Review :
After reading this book and while thinking what to write on my review, I could not think anything else, but “OMFG!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!! This is so not happening!”
No, wait…. Those were my thought while reading the book as well!
What, can I say???? Cynthia’s talent is making me lose my words!
I am more than happy that the voices in her head give her sooo amazing ideas for books, though I do not enjoy waiting for the next one …..
This time, we learn for the past and get answers to some of our questions, while we are a little heartbroken or a lot in love (depends on the team you are playing for!!!)!
The surprises come faster than one can handle, but they are more than welcome, each time. Having read all the books of the series, I am really glad to see that Cynthia goes deeper into her characters every time, dragging us further into her stories!!!

Book Links :

About Cynthia St. Aubin: 

Cynthia St. Aubin wrote her first play at age eight and made her brothers perform it for the admission price of gum wrappers. A steal, considering she provided the wrappers in advance. Though her early work debuted to mixed reviews, she never quite gave up on the writing thing, even while earning a mostly useless master's degree in art history and taking her turn as a cube monkey in the corporate warren.
Because the voices in her head kept talking to her, and they discourage drinking at work, she started writing instead. When she's not standing in front of the fridge eating cheese, she's hard at work figuring out which mythological, art historical, or paranormal friends to play with next. She lives in Colorado with the love of her life and three surly cats.
Cynthia loves to hear from her readers!

Cynthia’s Links :
Her Personal Page :

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