
Sunday 25 January 2015

Beautifully Insightful by K.C. Lynn Blog Tour


Blitz Hosted by: As the Pages Turn

Title: Beautifully Insightful
Author: K.C. Lynn
Genre: NA | Erotica Romance
Release Date:  January 16, 2015

EMILY MICHAELS ~ Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Like you never fit in, or you weren’t good enough? This is how I have felt for as long as I can remember. 
I see the world differently than everyone else, I feel everything differently and I reflect on life differently. And being different in my world is not a good thing.

 I live in a place that’s divided between the rich and the poor, the beautiful and the unbeautiful, the prestigious and the mediocre. I have always belonged in the first category, because my father was the Governor of Georgia.  Growing up around people I could never relate with, my life had always been lonely, that was until my senior year when I met the one boy who would change my life forever. A boy who my parents would never approve of because he didn’t come from money or the same social class. He rode a motorcycle, had tattoos and was considered to be from the wrong side of the tracks. Yet he was still envied by many. Ryder Jameson was someone who every guy feared, and one who every girl wanted to be touched by. He didn’t do attachments, or have friends… until me. And for the first time in my life I finally felt like I belonged. When I was with him, my different didn’t feel wrong or ugly. He made me feel beautiful- insightfully beautiful. Then one day my world came crashing down on me, and it would be six years before I'd once again see the boy I fell in love with.

RYDER JAMESON ~ After working my ass off I am given the opportunity of a lifetime, and if I pull it off I will be the youngest FBI agent to run one of the biggest undercover operations in history. Only the case that gets thrown in front of me leads me back to the one place I swore I would never return to, and to the only girl who’s ever mattered to me.  Except Emily Michaels is not the same girl I left behind. She still looks the same, she’s still beautiful inside and out, but there’s one thing that’s very different about her, one very big thing, and it’s something I didn’t think was possible.

Ryder and I come from a world where politics separates us and wealth defines us, but even after all this time we will not let it divide us.  Here is our story. 
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“So what’s the plan? And what do I tell people about you?”
“You tell them the truth, except leave out the part that I’m an FBI Agent.”
She tries making sense of that. “How am I supposed to tell them the truth if I can’t say you’re an FBI Agent?”
“You tell them everything else.” I hold her closer and bring my mouth to her ear. “You tell them I’m a part of your life again and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Since when is that the truth?” She means to be sassy but her tone is soft and unsure.
“Since the day I came back, and everyone is going t o know it, including your parents.”
She stiffens. “Don’t, Ryder. I told you I would help you, but I won’t let you use me just to piss my father off as part of your revenge.”
She tries escaping from my arms but I hold her tighter. “This has nothing to do with pissing your father off. This has to do with taking back what was taken from me, Emily, and that’s you. You are fucking mine, you have always been mine, and I’m no t going to let anyone get in my way from getting it back- including you.”
She keeps silent and I know it’s because she doubts every word I just said. Sweeping her hair to one side, I press a kiss to her bare shoulder and watch goose bumps break out over her soft skin. “Say it, baby,” I whisper, placing another kiss, but this time to her slender neck. “Tell me, you’re mine.”
I was so excited and privileged to receive an Arc of Beautifully Insightful, as I am a massive fan of KC Lynn.
This book is about Ryder and Emily. I have to start by saying these 2 are my favourite couple in a book ever!! If you looked at their lives, people think they are total opposite.
But how deceiving can looks be?
Emily is from an Influential family. It is all about appearances. They have a lot of money and only appear in certain circles. But Emily is the complete opposite, she is not the stereotypical rich girl. She is different from her family, and basically they ignore her anyway, but expect her to keep up appearances.
Ryder I have to say I Love hum. He is from "The wrong side of the tracks". Has a reputation, people talk but no one really knows him. The rich girls will sleep with him but won't give the time of day. Ryder has a crappy home life, ,lives in a run down house, like I said total opposite of Emily.
But when they meet there is no judgement there. Ryder and Emily connect like no other. As they get to know each other their connection is so much deeper than a hot guy and a beautiful girl (which they are) it's like their souls are connected, its the only way I can describe it. I loved every page with the 2 of them.
They are determined to be together no matter what others believe. I am not going to say what happens but I was ready to throw my kindle across the room. I wanted to jump into the book and kick some ass lol.

Ryder and Emily are destined to be together but have to get over their past, but their love for each other will get them through. They still have to deal with all the crap about social standing but are wiser now.

This book is full of twists and turns, suspense, I swear at one point I was having heart palpitations . I laughed and cried, sad, angry and happy tears.

But no matter what throughout this book you have Ryder and Emily's connection .
Sorry to say Ryder has knocked Cade off the top spot, which I never thought would happen.
Everyone has to read this book it is not to be missed.
5 stars just doesn't do it justice!!!
Author Bio:

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. It was her love of romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new tattooed, hot alpha males with very big...Hearts.

 Author Social links:
 Amazon Page:


K.C. Lynn is offering up the following prizes.

 The giveaways are international and ends at 11:59 PM CST 02/03/2015.

(2) Signed copy of Beautifully Insightful (US & CA)

(2) $25 Amazon Gift Card (Intl)

RAFFLECOPTER CODE EMBED CODE: rafl/display/05dc89ff200/" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="05dc89ff200" data-theme="classic" data -template="" id="rcwidget_knv9k67o">a Rafflecopter giveaway



 You can find the tour schedule at this link:

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