
Friday 23 January 2015

Spotlight & a HUGE GIVEAWAY: Chasing Midnight, by Shyloh & Alex Morgan


Quinn Mason is a young Southern gentleman. Perhaps, gentleman is a stretch for how he lived his earlier years. He was the kid whose life seemed charmed, a popular athlete in high school who won a full scholarship. Life was on track for him until the death of his parents. In one terrible moment, Quinn went from having everything being everything for his young siblings. He left college, and used the money from his parent’s life insurance policy to buy a bar. The bar supported him and the kids, affording him the ability to give for them the life they were robbed of, even sending them to college. 

Mhisery Bellemy has returned to Midnight, reluctantly. Her mother died, and she is left to take care of her drunken father, and the family cafe´. She had escaped the small town’s clutches as soon as she was of age, and swore never to return. Now, her siblings have turned to her, leaning heavily on her for help. The woman who got out of town and made a life she loves is now forced, by the bonds of family, and the weight of obligation, to return and give up what she had worked to build for herself. 

These two are unlikely to cross paths, but chance throws them into the right place at the right time. Quinn’s brother is the catalyst that brings Mhisery into Quinn’s line of sight. And that’s all it took, one look and he knows he has to have her. The golden boy athlete is now drawn to the tall, tattooed woman stepping off the last bus into town. 


Will Quinn ever have the woman he desires, and make her his own, or will she return to the life she loves far away from the small town of Midnight, and Quinn, or will she stay and make a life with the man she loves? 


Chasing Midnight tells a story of love, friendship, and sacrifice. This talented duo, Shyloh & Alex Morgan, will rip your heart out and have you falling in love with the inhabitants of this quaint, quirky, town. Welcome to southern seduction, and the town of Midnight, where the Darkest Desires of Dixie become a reality. 

Purchasing Links for Chasing Midnight:

It’s Midnight Madness
To promote the recent release of the first installment in The Darkest Desires of Dixie series, “Chasing Midnight,” and in celebration of the release of the next instalment, “Claiming Midnight,” Shyloh and Alex Morgan are going mad with giveaways. The contest for prizes will run from November 15, 2014 until midnight on February 01, 2015. The winners will be announced on February 01, 2015 at 6pm at the launch party for “Claiming Midnight.” Prizes to be won, and rules are listed below.


1st Prize – A Kindle Fire with over 500 titles loaded, a relaxation/pamper kit, and an ARC of every book Shyloh and Alex Morgan publish in paperback or Kindle (Choice of the winner as to paperback copy or digital copy)
2nd Prize -Paperback of “Chasing Midnight” as well as The Ultimate Couples Kit


3rd Prize - Paperback Copy of “Claiming Midnight” and How to Couples BDSM Kit

4th Prize- Paperback copies of both “Chasing Midnight” and “Claiming Midnight”
5th Prize Kindle or digital copies of both books
6th Prize- Kindle or digital copy of “Claiming Midnight”

The basis of the giveaway will be based on a point system. Each person can earn one (1) point for the following things:
1. Buying a copy of “Chasing Midnight” in either digital or paperback with proof of purchase provided in the form of a copy of receipt sent via email.
2. Writing a review for the book on Amazon. You must provide a link to the review
3. Writing a review of the book on Goodreads. You must provide a link to the review
4. Joining The Morgan’s Mansion Street Team. Point will be added to your tally upon entry to the group and posted on the wall the words “Midnight Madness”
5. By voting for “Chasing Midnight” at Goodreads in any of these categories:…/show/35746.Tattoo_on_the_Cover…
7. By adding either book to a category on Goodreads. Please send a link to get a point for each place you add the book.
8. Each of the social media sites you join, like, or follow will constitute a point. Must reply on the wall “Midnight Madness” or hashtag “Midnight Madness” and provide a link to the post via email.
9. By recommending the book to a friend. For each person who contacts the contest department with proof of purchase and your name as the person who recommended the novels, you will receive a point. The more people you recommend to, the more points you earn. You also have the option to list yourself as a “Team Captain.” If you chose to do this then you will receive points for not only those YOU recommend the book to, but also a point for each one the people on your team recommend the book to. It will work like a pyramid. The top person, or captain, will receive a point for each person below them, and the person below receives a point for those below them, and so forth and so on. This is a great way to really maximize your points.

The person with the most points at the end of the contest time will be the winner of the top prize, and then prizes will be given in descending order based on points. In the event there is a tie, there will be a random draw for the prize from the pool of participants with the same amount of points at each level.

Good luck and we hope to see you in the winner’s circle in February!
To enter, please send an email to midnightmadness.sspinc@gmail
Your email address will be added to a spreadsheet and as you earn a point it will be added to your tally. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MULTIPLE EMAILS or they will all be voided. You will start with your initial email asking to enter the contest, and that gets you on the spreadsheet. You will receive a “Thank You” response, and then all items you send as proof of your points will be contained in the one email thread between you and the prize team. DO NOT CREATE A NEW EMAIL EACH TIME YOU SEND POINT INFORMATION. You may also send questions, comments, or concerns to the above email. Good luck!
This contest is being sponsored by Southern Seduction Publishing, LLC.

About the authors : 

Shyloh and Alex Morgan are a duet of authors who have written together for years. Both come from large families steeped in alpha males. Growing up in this environment allows them to truly grasp varying personalities and create a world of seduction that will completely consume a reader once they find them in a world the two have created. 

Shyloh was born and raised in the south, and is a published author in her own right, with multiple titles to her credit. She comes from a large family in which she was the only female among all her brothers and cousins. She has a background in medicine working as a registered nurse before turning her attention to writing. She has several awards to her credit before she started embarking on this journey with Alex where have started showing readers that there is more than steamy weather in the south. 

Alex was raised in a similar family and was surrounded by alpha males, giving them a unique understanding of various male personalities. Alex's ability to turn a phrase and make, not only the reader, but the leading female in the novel swoon, has given readers a true glimpse into southern charm, as well as, southern seduction. 

Both reside in the rural south currently, and enjoy spending time with their family and friends while they each participate in the running of their individual family farms. They each love horse riding, quiet nights beneath the stars with a cold drink, and general country life. But when the two authors collide and collaborate they create a world in which demons, humans, shifters, and vampires alike take the reader on the emotional ride of a life time. 

Their characters show various strong personalities, while demonstrating the inner turmoil that is faced within the plot. They are skilled at creating characters that are multifaceted, making the reader explore the range of emotion that each character feels. Welcome to the worlds of their creation where the men are strong, powerful, charming, funny, and perfectly imperfect. Where the women are strong of will and heart, with a determination to rival any the reader has ever read. 

Welcome to the worlds of Shyloh and Alex Morgan.

Here are the links where you can find Shyloh & Alex Morgan:
Shyloh & Alex Morgan -

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