
Tuesday 10 February 2015

New Release and a Giveaway : Elite Metal, 8 ex-military operatives and their interwined stories!!!

Elite Metal – Book One in the Elite Warriors Series

For decades the US Marines funded a top-secret unit known as Elite Recon. A deadly group of men and women sent to infiltrate dozens of countries completely undetected. Mission objectives so extreme casualties were not only probable, but expected.

The current batch of operatives had returned from hundreds of assignments unscathed…until one mission went horribly wrong. Several men lost their lives and the group disbanded. The remaining leathernecks were scattered in the wind with new identities. They were told to blend in. Be normal. Or face being forever silenced just like their fallen brothers.

Now, two years later, each living member of the group is kidnapped and given a chance to make things right. But this time they’re no longer under the thumb of Uncle Sam. A mysterious private backer who knows about their past has brought them back together. No longer are they forced to turn a blind eye to the lost and forsaken.

A new life. A new future…Elite Metal.

Scorching romance from Anna Alexander and Jennifer Kacey, Heather Long, Sabrina York Rebecca Royce, Saranna DeWylde and Roxie Rivera

Chrome’s Salvation

By Jennifer Kacey

Chrome had it all. Exactly what he wanted. A career in the Marines he loved, fighting alongside his brothers and sisters to protect the US from everything set out to destroy it. Then on their last mission as Elite Recon they were double-crossed…and everything went horribly wrong.
Cammie needs help rescuing her siblings from the clutches of a man determined to crush everything she holds dear. But she has no one to turn to. No one to lean on when she’s trapped in a world she never knew existed. Lost in a world of pseudo-normalcy Chrome’s reduced to nothing more than existing. Day in. Day out. Nothing to live for.

Until his girl’s life hangs in the balance. Now nothing will stand in his way of coming back to life.
Love at first sight is a myth. Or so Chrome thought. Everything he thinks is true disappears in the presence…of his salvation.

Read and excerpt :
Unable to help himself he kept a safe distance from her and…
He rolled his eyes and headed off in the opposite direction of his Harley, which he was so ready to open up on the highway and blow the wistful bullshit out of his head.
Then he stopped dead in his tracks.
He was single.
She seemed single.
It wasn’t too long ago when he used to know how to actually talk to a woman to get her out of her panties, and he was pretty sure he could remember how to do that for the right person.
The chick slowly moving away from him, digging in her purse surely for her keys could definitely be the right person.
He wouldn’t know unless he actually cut the silent and deadly act and went and talked to her.
He turned on his heel, moving back toward her, and he picked up the pace to try to get to her before she got to her vehicle. The lights on an SUV blinked when she hit a button on her remote control.
The tiny prick on the back of his neck shot so much adrenaline into his system, all of his training came out in an explosion of instinct.
He swept his leg out behind him, dropping one of his attackers. But that was it. His brain kept telling his muscles to move but as if in slow motion he hit the ground.
Whatever drug pumping through his system was effective if not lethal.
Another masked man dressed all in black stepped next to him just as a van pulled up beside him.
No squealing tires. No sound at all. Pure silence surrounded him.
The door opened and two more men, dressed similarly piled out, lifting him into the confines of the unmarked vehicle. The first man grabbed his bag, which had fallen to the ground and flung it in next to him. He climbed in, shutting the door behind himself.
Chrome wanted to ask questions, he willed his mouth to move but he couldn’t get his lips, much less his vocal cords, to cooperate.
He’d had this drug before. His responses—he’d experienced them before.
His team had been chemically trained to resist the effects of most muscular paralyzers. In their line of work the government had spared no expense.
Most anyone else would have already been unconscious. But he fought just as he was trained to do.
The van moved but he couldn’t see anything but sky after they pulled out of the parking garage.
Another prick in his arm registered and he huffed out a breath. It was the only displeasure he could register before darkness sucked him under.
His eyes flicked open and closed as he tried to retain consciousness.
The crackle of a radio made its way past the fog trying to overtake him.
“Chrome secure. ETA thirteen hours.”
They found me.
Whatever torture was coming, whoever thought they could break him to get what they wanted… They were shit outta luck. He’d go to his grave before he talked. Resignation filled his mind.
He always knew his enemies would find him eventually. Or the government found someone fast enough to dispose of him.
They were quicker than he expected.
The sleeping face of the little girl, and the tear-stained eyes of the woman he’d wanted flashed in front of his eyelids.
He was glad they were the last people he’d ever see.
And no matter what was coming he’d be dead within a matter of days.
Thank God it’s finally over.
Relief settled deep inside.
Blackness seeped into his mind and for the first time, and hopefully the last …he didn’t fight it.

My Review :

This is probably the tamest book I've read from Jennifer Kacey. Not the way you think, though...
Of course it was kinky, but it also had a focus on adventure in a way that I had not expected her to do so, seeing that the books I've read from her mainly focus on the BDSM part.
But it was a "good" unexpected and it made me go back and re-read it!!
I loved the path the characters walked through their own issues and how it works out for them.
And of course, I loved how it guides us to the next story!

About Jennifer Kacey : 


The books in the Members Only Series can be found here...

Stand Alone

Final Surrender- Coming 3.24.2015

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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Sterling’s Seduction

By Sabrina York

When Sterling spots a reporter masquerading as a waitress in a dingy bar in Deep Ellum, he suspects she’s investigating the team. And that’s something he just cannot allow to happen. Too many lives are at stake. He will do everything in his power to learn the truth—even seduce her. And to stop her story from coming out? He might even tie her to the bed.

Nothing is off the table when it comes to keeping his brothers safe. Nothing. It’s a damn shame she’s everything he’s ever wanted. It’s a damn shame her touch warms his cold, dead heart.


As she rounded the corner, her steps stalled.
Because there he was, leaning against his bike. Waiting for her.
Well, she hoped he was waiting for her. When he saw her, he unfolded his long legs and stood.
“Did you change your mind?” she asked, trying for a flippant tone.
His beautiful eyebrow arched. “About what?”
“Taking me home?” Might as well be brash.
He gestured to his bike. “My alternator is shot. I’m waiting for a ride.”
“Ah.” Why disappointment flooded her was a mystery. Or not.
“Was there…an offer on the table?” His voice was a low melody that danced on the skeins of air. It was annoying. And not.
“Hey. I’m not the one who walked away.” She tried not to let her petulance show.
He stepped closer and searched her face. She let him. Not hiding at all. Or not hiding everything. She let her interest show.
“Let’s get one thing straight, Pigtails—”
“Yeah. Pigtails.” He flicked her hair, reminding her how she’d pulled it up. She’d been going for backwoods innocent, but it might have backfired on her. With a harsh movement, she yanked out the rubber bands and her hair fell around her face. His lashes flickered. Something that looked like hunger washed over his features.
“What do you want to get straight?”
His jaw clenched. “I don’t like questions. Pure and simple. Understood?”
The way he said the word, with a thread of dominance in his tone, sent a shiver through her. She lowered her eyes and nodded. “Understood. So…do you? Want to come home with me? No questions asked?”
“Maybe.” He checked his watch. “Looks like my ride isn’t going to show, anyway.”
Hardly the flood of interest she would have preferred. Irritation rippled. “Or I can give you a lift home.” And when his cheek bunched, “Or call you a cab.”
“I’d rather go home with you.” He stepped closer, too close, and pulled her against him. His fingers were harsh on her flesh, his insistence alluring. Yes, this was what she wanted. Something rough. Something ruthless. Something demanding.
Hunger rose in her, swamping her desire to finish this story and get back home. Hell, she could probe him with questions later. After. This need was far more pressing.
When he lowered his head, she caught a whiff of his aftershave and her knees locked. He was tall, muscled and rough around the edges. Just the kind of guy she’d always craved.
His lips touched hers and she nearly collapsed. It was a wild rush, a tumult of sensation. For a starved woman, as she was, it was irresistible. She couldn’t help but kiss him back, a manic frenzy. Her passion seemed to spur his on, and he wrapped himself around her, tipped his head and deepened the kiss. His hands roved over her back, her hips, her ass. Nothing tentative. Nothing tender.
When he lifted his head, she was a bowl of Jell-O. Ready and willing.
“So do you want to?” Her voice caught on the invitation.
“Yeah.” He yanked her tighter and his cock gouged into her belly, hard and needy. “Yeah. I want to. Just no more questions.”
No more questions.

My review : 

That was not expected! Ok… maybe it was a bit expected, judging by the lineup of authors, but still….. I would be expecting the story to be more tame!
Nope! That didn’t happen. It was wild and surprising… It didn’t drift the way I expected it to go, but followed a different direction.
Of course Sterling was hot! Of course he can take me to bed whenever he wants! However, he has a team to protect and he will do anything to achieve that!
Candy/Roni has her own secrets and an agenda of her own. Messing with Sterling might not be the solution she wants. And it actually isn’t.
The way the plot twisted in this particular part, had me speechless! I really was waiting for a different way of ending the story, but it didn’t!
Now I need to read the rest of the stories! :p


Bound By Steele
Anna Alexander and Jennifer Kacey
To save his Marine brothers and sister he must accept the past isn’t dead and buried.
Reuniting survivors means he is forced to first forgive…the enemy.

Chrome’s Salvation
Jennifer Kacey
A former leader of Elite Recon, reduced to nothing more than an apathetic existence.
Until his girl’s life hangs in the balance…now nothing will stand in the way of him coming back to life.

Adamantium’s Roar
Anna Alexander
Adamantium left Beth to what he thought was a better life, only to find she had been living in hell. Now he’ll do anything, break any vow, to claim her as his for all time.

Pure Copper
Heather Long
Copper will do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means seducing and betraying the one man who really sees her.

Sterling’s Seduction
Sabrina York
When a snoopy reporter threatens the Elite Metal, Sterling will do whatever it takes to kill her story about the team. Even if it means he has to tie her to his bed.

Platinum’s Choice
Rebecca Royce
Platinum left the life he had with Rose in New York to rejoin his team and silence the nightmares from Operation Phoenix.   But when Rose is forced to go on the run with Platinum’s hidden son, he will have no choice but to return to his old life and reclaim what he has ached for every day since. Red Wolf’s sniper wants to nudge Plat’s underbelly and they’re going to find out quickly how deadly he can be.

Mercury’s Poison
Saranna DeWylde
A scarred, mad genius more monster than man must protect the beauty he's become obsessed with from a beast more terrible than himself.

Forged in Silver
Roxie Rivera
Rebel. Nomad. Troublemaker. After surviving the double-cross during Operation Phoenix, Former Elite Recon Marine Silver embraces the underworld and builds a new life as one of the world's most renowned thieves. Jewels, paintings, corporate espionage--there's no job he won't take for the right price.

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About Sabrina York
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy to scorching erotic romance.  Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Free Teaser Book: And don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!

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Books by Sabrina York



Wired Series—Steamy Contemporary Romance 

Tryst Island Series—Steamy Contemporary Romance 
Rebound Book 1
Smoking Holt Book 3
Heart of Ash Book 4


Noble Passions Series—Steamy Regency