
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Unlawful Justice By KC Lynn & K.Langston Release Day Blitz

Title: Unlawful Justice
Authors: KC Lynn and K. Langston
Release Date: November 17, 2015
Add to your TBR: Goodreads

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Seek the truth and you will find justice.

The peaceful town of Harmony Falls, Texas, has been rocked to its core by an unspeakable crime.

One that harbors revenge and injustice.

Schoolteacher Olivia Bradshaw can’t remember what happened that horrific night, but it’s easy to see the effect it’s had on those around her. All she wants is for peace to be restored to her beloved hometown, but Deputy Grayson Taylor is on a different mission. He seeks truth and justice, and he’ll do whatever it takes to find both for Olivia.

Lines will be crossed.

Secrets revealed.

Can justice prevail, or will the citizens of Harmony Falls succumb to the corruption and hate that continues to plague their small town?

K.C. Lynn and K. Langston have teamed up to bring you a story about hate, race, corruption, injustice, and above all, love. A story that may change the way you view the world.

So it's taken me a few days to get over my book hangover to sit and write this review. Sweet mother of god, seriously this book was SO good. I cannot explain how blown away i was with this collaboration by these two amazingly talented and beautiful author's, the writing was seamless. I'm so honoured i got an Arc of this book. This book is about Racism, Hatred,Corruption and Injustice. I've taken a few Quotes from this book which i love. Hate isn't something you're born with, it's taught. I absolutely believe this to be true people are born with a blank canvas and it's our parents and the people we are surrounded by that mould us into the people we are today. "When the eyes of hate are upon you, look away." "This wouldn't be the first time we taught this world a thing or two. Let's take our seats, Liv, and show them what this is really about." Growing up my brother was bullied and called names for the colour of his skin. He constantly got called N***er and told to go back to his own country. Baring in mind he was British and White. (we have an Olive complection because of the Mediterranean side of our family.) He was told repeatedly to ignore their hatred and they'd lose interest. So to me these quotes really do mean something. I always remember thinking, what would it be like if people were kind to one another. I guess we will never know a world with true peace, but if your kind maybe others will follow suit. This book had me hooked from the very first page, it will have you constantly guessing whats going on throughout. ( i was pm'ing my friend who'd beta read it, throwing my ideas and thoughts at her.) It really did keep me questioning and thats not something that usually happens. Although the book is about Racism, it doesn't deeter away from the beautiful love story that's coming to life throughout. Liv and Grayson are beautiful together. The chemistry explodes between them whenever they are in the same vicinity. Liv is a strong, attractive, kind young woman that's had alot of bad stuff happen to her but she doesn’t let that dull her shine. Grayson is a handsome, strong-willed, intelligent young man. Who wants nothing more than to find the guys who caused harm to the ones he loves and bring them to justice. Honestly whether you've read KC.LYNN or K.LANGSTON books before or not you seriously don't want to let this one slip through your fingers. I can't wait to read more by these two creative geniuses. I wish i could give more than 5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ( )


His gaze softens as he cups the side of my neck. “Jesus, you should never feel insecure. You’re fucking beautiful, Liv, bruises or not. Nothing in the world could ever change that.”
I watch him carefully, his sincerity tearing through my defenses. “You really mean that, don’t you?”

He rears back, the skin between his brows bunching together in deep valleys of confusion. “Of course I do. How could you not know that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I guess it’s…” I pause for a moment before deciding to bare it all. “It’s hard for me to believe you still think I’m beautiful despite finding me the way you did.”

Understanding dawns and he quickly shakes his head. “No, not ever. That didn’t change the way I look at you. Yes, it fucking gutted me to see you that way, but not once did I think any less of you.” He pulls me closer while his determined gaze bores into mine. His jaw flexes, the rhythm of his chest growing heavier. “It should have never happened. Nothing so hateful should have ever touched something so beautiful. But make no mistake, Liv, when I look at you, I don’t see the girl I found that day, I see the girl who survived it all. You’re fucking beautiful, inside and out, nothing or no one will ever change that.”

My breath hitches as tears blur my eyes, his words healing my wounded soul. “You make me feel beautiful,” I choke out softly.

“Good, baby, because you are, every inch of you, and don’t ever fucking forget it.” He closes the small space between our mouths, his lips claiming mine in a heated caress as his tongue sweeps in.



About the Authors

K.C. Lynn
K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new tattooed, hot alpha males with very big…Hearts.

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K. Langston
K. has been married to her very own country boy for 14 years. They live in the deep south with their two crazy kids, and a speckled beagle named Sadie. She worked in property management for last decade before leaving the industry to write full time. When she's not penning her next love story, you can find her nose buried between the pages of a good book. 

She released her debut novel, Because You're Mine in September 2013. She has since released three follow up books in the series, Until You're Mine, When You're Mine and Forever You're Mine. Her next release, Sylvie is a contemporary romance set to release Early Fall 2015. She is also co-writing a book with Author KC Lynn called Unlawful Justice, set to release November 2015. K. writes with true passion and heart about what she knows, love, romance and all things southern. 

Follow K. Langston

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