
Friday 26 February 2016

BOOK TOUR : Soulless by T.M. Frazier‏

Bear & Thia’s epic is FINALLY HERE!


I was mad at the world, at the whiskey for not being strong enough, at the drugs for not lasting long enough, at the fucking whores I banged for not getting me off when it was my fault my dick was fucking useless after a bucket of fucking blow. I went so far as to be pissed at random people on the street for laughing or smiling when I felt like I’d never be able to smile or laugh again.
How dare they?
How fucking dare they be move on with their lives like my friend hadn’t just died.
I was on the verge of losing what little sanity I had left when I rode out of Logan's Beach and set off to find a place, or places, where I could numb myself against the feelings that followed me from town to town, cheap motel to cheap motel, girl to girl, high to fucking high.
Then, this pink haired girl from the past came barreling into my life and it was like for the first time, I’d found a purpose. A real genuine purpose and not just some shit Chop spewed out as orders that I and every other member of the Beach Bastards took as bible, but a true reason to live again.
To WANT to live again.
Someone to live for.
Ti was my chance at some sort of real happiness when Lord fucking knows I had no idea what that really was before her. The only glimpses of real genuine happiness I'd ever had came courtesy of Preppy, King, and of course Grace. Like when King tattooed us for the first time and we loved them, even though they were crooked and downright fucking awful. Like when Grace made me my very first birthday cake. Like the time King Prep and I sat at the top of the water tower and thought the world was ours to take.
Because at that time, it was.
Then there was Ti and my new happiness became the first time I saw her smile. The first time I kissed her. The first time I tasted her pussy by the fire. The first time she let me inside of her, shamelessly pushing through her virginity in a frantic need to make her mine.
Because that's what she was.
That's what she would always be.
And I will kill every motherfucker who dares to try and take her from me.
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When I seen Soulless appear on my kindle, OMG I had a freak out. I have been waiting for more of my man Bear, and one my favourite ever heroines Thia. T.M Frazier did nor disappoint. I couldn't put this book down and pulled an all nighter reading. Honestly I was Scared, anxious but most of all excited to get stuck in this book.

With Bear and Thia separated he still looks out for his girl, with all the danger with his dad and who he can trust. He sends Rage to watch her back. Rage I have the biggest girl crush on. She is nuts, freaky but I Love her and she needs her own book.

In Soulless you see the big Love between Bear and Thia. It might not be your typical romance but he loves her like no other. They Love Raw, Real and gritty, and would risk their lives without thinking for each other. Its a beautiful twisted Love.

This book was action packed. There is something happening on every page. Its got drama, mystery, gritty scenes and downright filthy sex scenes. I love it. I loved seeing more of the older characters. King, Doe, Grace and lets no forget Preppy.

Don't miss out on this Series T.M Frazier know how to write these real, hard, gritty,raw fantastic books.

Haven’t read this series yet?

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T.M. Frazier is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and young daughter. When she's not writing she loves talking to her readers, country music, reading, and traveling. Her debut novel, The Dark Light of Day was published in September of 2013 and when she started writing it she intended for it to be a light beachy romance. has a beach in it!

Stalk Her: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.

Signed Set of Lawless & Soulless


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