
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Review: An Act of Obsession

An Act of Obsession An Act of Obsession by K.C. Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where do I start this book is just everything. It gives you all the feels, just like any other KC Lynn book. KC has the ability to invoke every emotion possible out of your body. This book was no different. I went through a rollercoaster of emotion: I laughed I cried I swooned, I didn't want the book to end.

This is Kolan and Sophie/Lia's book. Sophie OMG did my heart break for her. She has been through so much. More than most people would be able to cope with. She was totally selfless, what she did to protect the ones she loved. even if it left her alone. She is vulnerable and afraid but that girl has spirit and as the book goes on you see her shine. Being with Kolan gives her the strength.

Kolan Kolan Kolan what can I say about that sexy MoFo. Just that I Love that man so much, sooo much. He is 100% badass Alpha and as we know from previous books totally dominant. His character totally shocked me. The direction it took (in a 100% good way). He was perfect for Sophie, he picked her up and made her believe in herself all the while he didn't believe in himself. At the same time you see Sophie strength when she makes Kolan believe in himself. Kolan hasn't had many good things happen to him in his life, he totally broke my heart at times. he truly believes he isn't worthy of Love. Katelynn is the only one to ever show him love until Sophie.

This book will keep you turn the pages the suspense of Sophie's past catching up with her. the connection between Kolan and Sophie was jumping through the book at you on every level. The emotional and sexual connection was so strong you could feel it like you was experiencing it. You wouldn't put Sophie and Kolan together on paper but never have a couple been more perfect for each other. I loved seeing all the characters from previous books to. All the ladies getting Sophie in their gang. Those gorgeous over the top alphas.

This book cant be talked about without mentioning Benny. I freaking adore that kid. He is hilarious, and brings out a softer side of Kolan. His one liners are the best.. I want more Benny.

(Teaser made by Jodi Bibliophile)
Again KC hasn't let me down. No other author can make me feel and fall in Love with their book and characters she can.


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